To purchase any of these artworks in print select your favorite piece and send your request to You will receive all the necessary details regarding available sizes and prices. All prints are available in a limited edition.

My artbook UNCENSORED you can order here 





This is my current self-portrait project, which combines elements of photography, performance, and digital art. I seek out unique locations, whether they are famous or unknown, and incorporate compositions featuring different positions of my body within the landscapes. I interact with nature and align my movements with the lines, geometry, and colors of the places I visit. For me, this project is also a performance, usually lasting between half an hour to an hour. Sometimes, I have an audience, and other times it's a personal interaction with nature.

Technically I use digital processing to create these works, combining multiple images of myself taken from one point into a single composition. However, all images are real representations of my body's movements during this prolonged performance.

For me, it's also a way to redirect attention to the real world, to genuine interaction between the body and nature. While we witness an abundance of similar AI-generated works everywhere, I'm returning to the value of creating offline works. In the real world, not only does the process of photography take place, but also the preceding journey – after all, behind each piece lies a unique story of exploring remote places and corners of the planet. Here, in the Projects section, you can also watch videos from the shooting process.

The works from the project were exhibited during a few international exhibitions such as

"Image Nation" in Paris,

"The Eloquence" in Sapporo,

the Biennale of Contemporary Art in La Rochelle,

a group exhibition in Palauet in Barcelona,

personal exhibition in Art Space Plan B in Barcelona.


The prints are available in sizes:

145*97 cm Limited Edition of 3  Price 3500 EURO

90*60 cm. Limited Edition of 10  Price 1500 EURO

45*60 cm  Limited edition of 20 Price 700 Euro

30*40cm  Limited Edition of 30 Price 500 Euro


Worldwide shipping 






 project Beach Is A New Theatre:

The beach is not merely a spot for basking in the sun, it's an artistic canvas waiting to be explored. As a resident of Barcelona, a city nestled against the shore, I am inspired by the beaches that surround me to craft my own theatrical stage, bringing surreal scenes to life on this seemingly simple backdrop. With no walls or ceiling to constrain my imagination, the beach becomes my personal studio, inviting me to delve into the depths of my creativity and transform this natural setting into a captivating work of art.

The prints are available in sizes:

145*97 cm Limited Edition of 3  Price 3500 EURO

90*60 cm. Limited Edition of 10  Price 1500 EURO

45*60 cm  Limited edition of 20 Price 700 Euro

30*40cm  Limited Edition of 30 Price 500 Euro


Worldwide shipping 

 project "SELFIE ISOLATION" comprises a collection of self-portraits and behind-the-scenes videos created within the confines of my apartment during the Covid-19 pandemic quarantine. Limited by the circumstances, I embarked on the daily task of capturing self-portraits against the backdrop of the same wall, utilizing materials found within my home. For instance, if we purchased a fish for dinner, I'd integrate it into the pictures before cooking it. Other items were sourced from storage, such as acrylic paints, bottles, potato nets, scotch tape etc.  Each day presented a challenge as I woke up and actively sought inspiration around the house, refusing to wait for it to come to me.

My creative canvas was restricted to a section of a white wall in my apartment, and my resources were confined to whatever outfits, food, or artworks I could discover at home. Notably, I refrained from using Photoshop effects; all concepts were brought to life in the tangible world.


These works are from the project Beach Is A New Theatre

The beach is not merely a spot for basking in the sun, it's an artistic canvas waiting to be explored. As a resident of Barcelona, a city nestled against the shore, I am inspired by the beaches that surround me to craft my own theatrical stage, bringing surreal scenes to life on this seemingly simple backdrop. With no walls or ceiling to constrain my imagination, the beach becomes my personal studio, inviting me to delve into the depths of my creativity and transform this natural setting into a captivating work of art.

The prints are available in sizes:

145*97 cm Limited Edition of 3  Price 3000 EURO

90*60 cm. Limited Edition of 10  Price 1200 EURO

45*60 cm  Limited edition of 20 Price 600 Euro

30*40cm  Limited Edition of 30 Price 500 Euro


Worldwide shipping 

Individual works not included in any projects:


The prints are available in sizes:

145*97 cm Limited Edition of 3  Price 3000 EURO

90*60 cm. Limited Edition of 10  Price 1200 EURO

45*60 cm  Limited edition of 20 Price 700 Euro

30*40cm  Limited Edition of 30 Price 500 Euro


Worldwide shipping